Friday, June 17, 2016

School Magazine Article on Early Days of School

Reproduced here is an article on the School in a school magazine ( the date of publication is yet to be located but one presumes it was during the tenure of Rev Mother Augustine here)

A party of Presentation nuns from Vepery went to Egmore in 1911 to take charge of a primary school for Anglo-Indian children which was run by St Anthony's Church parish.
The nuns had to face trials of every kind but with Government aid, the present premises was purchased and the school moved to Pudupet in 1917.
During the period of 1911 - 1917, the Education Department was very favorably impressed with the results and recorded in their Inspection Reports the zeal and self-service shown by the nuns in their noble work.
In 1924,  and again in 1933, additional classrooms were put up to accommodate the increasing numbers.
The poor children who attended the school get a daily meal and receive clothing thrice a year.

This school was started in 1919; a few 'old' boys and girls from the Primary School formed the nucleus of the present flourishing 'Pudupet Convent School of Commerce' - the only school of its type in India managed by the religious.
In 1921, the Education Department showed its appreciation of the useful work done and gave the school recognition.
The average strength of this School is 250.
Students who have passed from the Commercial School, apart from those holding appointments in all the leading firms of Madras are to be found in Burma, Ceylon and most of the big cities of India, while several are working in London.
A pleasing feature of this School is that all classes, creeds and nationalities work amicably side by side.

In 1923, once again at the request of Dr. J. Aelen, the nuns took over the Catholic Young Womens Home, an institution that was under a secular management, which adjoined the Convent and which was about to be closed; they thus solved the problem of housing of the working girls and their students.
This building was unsuited to the purpose of the hostel and in 1933, the nuns were able to purchase the present hostel premises.
Suitable rooms were added and the lady students moved to their new residence in 1934.

The progress of the work of the Presentation Convent in Pudupet in due in great measure to the initiative and untiring zeal of Rev. Mother Augustine, who for 18 years has devoted all her energies to the cause of Catholic education and to promotion of the welfare of youth in the city of Madras.