Thanks to Peter for sending me this email. Unfortunately I will not be able to attend. I hope you all have a great time, I am sure it will be a blast. I really wish I could be there. I will keep myself updated by visiting this blog. If possible post some pictures of this great event. Kudos to all those who are the organizers of this event, both those in the forefront, and those who work tirelessly behind the scenes.
I live in Mississauga which is a part of the Greater Toronto Area, and have been here since 1991. I am in contact with Peter Thyreum and may be reached through him or via email at My brother Conrad has lived in Melbourne since 1985. We are in touch and I spoke to him yesterday. I will send him the link to this website and hopefully he will post a few comments here. Do let me know when the website goes up and is operating.
My best wishes to all of you especially the group that passed out Dec 1976, that would be Vincent, Ashok, Peter and the gang. I wish you all a very Happy Christmas and a New Year filled with health and happiness. I will keep in touch and will try to meet up when I visit India. My family left India and migrated to Australia.
I was the last one in India and then in 1987 I got married. I lived there till 1991 and then my wife and I migrated to Canada. Since y I have no family left in India I have not visited India since I migrated. My wife has a brother in Annanagar and I do plan to visit him in the next couple of years. I will make it a point to try and catch up with you guys then. Do keep in touch.